New Avengers: Infinity War Video Shows Star-Lord Mocking Thor


New Avengers: Infinity War Video Shows Star-Lord Mocking Thor

Although the Guardians of the Galaxy have been an important part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since the team was introduced in 2014, they've also been largely self-contained from the other corners of this ever-growing franchise. That changes in a few weeks in Avengers: Infinity War, as that movie will finally see the Guardians meeting the MCU's other prominent superheroes, including Thor. However, as you'll see in the new Infinity War video below, Peter Quill, a.k.a. Star-Lord, doesn't make a great first impression to the God of Thunder.

You have to remember that Peter Quill was taken from Earth at just eight years old, and even though he was raised by Yondu and learned how to take care of himself, he's never quite fully matured as he might have with a proper Earth upbringing. So when meeting Thor, a powerful and regal figure, it's not entirely surprising that Star-Lord starts mimicking his voice. He really needs to learn to read the room, though; when a super-strong "god" capable of manipulating lighting is trying to persuade you to join him and the Avengers in battling the forces of evil (or at least that's how it's being framed here), it's probably not a good idea to turn down his offer while making your voice deeper. Star-Lord is by no means a pushover, but even in his weakened state, Thor could easily kick his ass if he wanted to.

When we last saw Thor in Thor: Ragnarok, he had suffered a number of losses, and while he was able to save Asgard's citizens before their civilization was destroyed, he didn't get much of a breather, as his ship ran into a much larger and intimidating vessel. From what's been shown in the Avengers: Infinity War previews so far, the Guardians of the Galaxy will run into Thor (literally) after the God of Thunder's encounter with Thanos. The Guardians already have some experience with saving the universe, so despite Peter Quill's initial refusal (at least that's how it's framed in this TV spot), they will help fight back against the Mad Titan and his minions, which will eventually take them to Earth; the battle in Wakanda, specifically. Beyond that, it's unclear what's in store for this group, though they are primed to return for Avengers 4 next year.

You can see Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy and all the other MCU's major heroes back in action when Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters on April 27. Keep checking back with CinemaBlend for more news about the movie in these final weeks, and you can learn what else will be hitting the silver screen later this year by browsing through our 2018 release schedule.

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