Kevin Smith Gave An Emotional Explanation Of What Happened With His Heart Attack


Kevin Smith Gave An Emotional Explanation Of What Happened With His Heart Attack

By now, you may know Kevin Smith had a massive heart attack the other day and survived the ordeal. He's been pretty open on social media about the health scare and this week he took to Facebook to go more into detail about what happened at the shows the night of his heart attack, what led him to go to the hospital and what flashed through his mind as he realized he could die. He described the experience thusly:

There was this moment where I was like, 'I might die.' Like all this talk, at one point somebody said, 'Get the morphine,' and I was like, 'Morphine! Like, I'm not that guy, I ain't interested in morphine.' And if they're pulling out morphine that usually means bad shit. So, when I heard that, you know, I started going, 'This could be it. This might be it. And so I thought about my life. I thought about everything. You know, it's not like my life flashed before my eyes. But I had a good long moment to think.

Shortly after Kevin Smith revealed to the world he had a heart attack, he mentioned that he had "a sense of calm" after realizing that he was dealing with the Widowmaker, a 100% heart blockage of his LAD artery. He ended up cancelling his second show that night and going to the hospital, but without that prescience, the director probably would have died. He also elaborated further on his feelings, getting emotional when he talked about his family and his personal life, noting,

You know, and like, what did I want to do? Did I want to bargain with God in that moment, be like, 'please, fucking save me' and stuff like that. After Dogma, that was probably not going to happen. So, I just thought about everything, thought about, you know, like my parents and how they raised me, and my brother and my sister. And my friends and my wife and my kid and like this weird, wonderful career that I've had for so long. And I was content.

Insofar as the part above is emotional, Kevin Smith's full story is also humorous and human. He talks for a while about not wanting people to see his dick, joking about its size and what it's like to get shaved down south before going into surgery and getting a stint. In some ways his story is one that is helpful for public awareness of what it is like to have a heart attack, too. So if you have a spare 20 minutes on hand, give it a watch, below.

Although Kevin Smith also revealed he is going to become a "pill guy" moving forward, we hope he's back on his feet and getting creative soon. (Although he did say he will no longer be able to direct The Goldbergs finale that he was signed on for.) After all, the director has a lot of projects in the works, including sequels to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Mallrats. We'll keep you updated as he moves forward into recovery, and if Smith's posts are a recent indication, he will too.

Greetings from Glendale Adventist Hospital!

Posted by Kevin Smith on Tuesday, February 27, 2018

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