Suicide Squad 2 Has Made A Big Step Forward


Suicide Squad 2 Has Made A Big Step Forward

The DC Extended Universe has had some serious ebbs and flows in its short life. Rather than systematically introducing new characters and settings like the MCU, DC attempted to play catch up with ensemble films like Justice League and Suicide Squad. The latter had a ton of hype around it due to a fantastic first trailer, but the finished product was an uneven mess that had only brief moments of magic. An upcoming sequel is one of the many movies DC has recently announced, with director Gavin O'Connor attached to direct. Now Suicide Squad has taken another step forward, as two writers have signed on to the project.

DC's upcoming Suicide Squad movie had landed David Bar Katz and Todd Stashwick as co-writers of the film. This is exciting news for everyone hoping to see the likes of Harley Quinn and Deadshot on the silver screen sooner rather than later. It will be the first time the duo is collaborating on a project, after having separate careers in film and TV.

News of David Bar Katz and Todd Tashwick's involvement in Suicide Squad 2, which comes to us from THR, is sure to be exciting for the DC fans out there. Part of what makes the DCEU so exciting how new it is, and therefore full of possibilities. The MCU hasn't built a film around a villain until Infinity War, so Suicide Squad's villain-centric story is something unique. While David Ayer's execution of the first film left much to be desired, the blockbuster made enough money that a sequel is still happening.

It should be interesting to see what direction Suicide Squad's sequel ultimately takes. The first film's problem was that it was a bit disjointed; there were a ton of characters to introduce, and 3 different villains if you include Viola Davis' Amanda Waller. But Waller, Harley Quinn, and Deadshot all proved to be fascinating characters, despite being dragged down by dead weight like Katana and Captain Boomerang.

Suicide Squad's sequel is one of many movies that is set to star Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn. After stealing the show in her debut film, DC has announced a ton of potential projects that might include the villain. This includes a solo movie, a movie with Joker, Gotham City Sirens, or even Birds of Prey. That's enough to get even the normally crazed Quinn confused, and it's unclear if/when DC will ever reveal a concrete release schedule to the public a la Marvel's phases of films.

Alas, we'll have to wait until DC eventually make its plans clear. In the meantime, we have a few movies to look forward to. Aquaman will arrive on December 21, 2018, while Shazam! hits theaters April 5th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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