Watch Robert Downey Jr. Wrap On Avengers: Endgame


Watch Robert Downey Jr. Wrap On Avengers: Endgame

If the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame had us all kinds of emotional, imagine how the cast felt experiencing these scenes firsthand and saying their goodbyes to an end of an era. That's especially the case with Robert Downey Jr. He kicked off this whole saga eleven years ago with Iron Man and was able to explore Tony Stark in nine other appearances in Marvel films right up to the end.

Though he doesnt find the words to express it, RDJ took to Instagram to be a bit sentimental and share the day he wrapped his Iron Man role for Endgame. Check it out below:

I love this 3000. While Robert Downey Jr. admits hes got a lot of feelings about the milestone while at the set at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta, instead of going into a speech about it, he took a note from his co-star Chris Evans and said hed save it for social media. The massive crew cheered as Downey reached for hugs for some of them, including Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, Marvel producer Trinh Tran and directors Joe and Anthony Russo.

Katherine Langford and Tom Holland were also among the crowd in the wrap video. Langford was cast in the film as an older version of Tonys daughter Morgan in a cut Endgame scene. When the hero snaps using the Infinity Gauntlet at the end of the film, he was originally going to enter the metaphysical way station that Thanos enters in Infinity War to reunite with Gamora, only Tony would see the older version of Morgan.

The scene didnt make it into the film because test audiences didnt resonate with it as much as the Russos had envisioned. Considering Katherine Langfords attendance, perhaps it was one of the last scenes Robert Downey Jr shot? Tom Hollands presence also could mean the Iron Man actor shared a scene or two with Spider-Man before wrapping the role. Perhaps it was of this emotional hug he also released on his social media a few days ago.

While this is the wrap video, this moment probably wasnt Robert Downey Jrs official last hurrah as the hero. The actor returned for reshoots, which included adding his big line in the film I am Iron Man. The memorable scene almost didnt happen because Downey originally didnt want to say it. He was thankfully talked into it and it rounded out his storyline nicely.

Since the spoiler ban was lifted by the Russos last week, many of the Avengers: Endgame actors have also taken to social media to share their illegal videos on the set of the movie during its most iconic moments. It brought just about everyone in the cast together in a culmination that wont happen the same way again.

Avengers: Endgame is currently in theaters, approaching its fourth weekend at the box office and has yet to be dethroned for the top weekend spot.

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#picture wrap @avengers #TeamStark #thankyou #10 outa #10 (???? @jimmy_rich ) #Feelings, nothing more than feelings... #throwback #bts #10yearchallenge #steelydan #reelingintheyears

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