5 Things Black Panther 2 Needs To Include


5 Things Black Panther 2 Needs To Include

There was no way in the multiverse that Black Panther wasn't going to get a sequel and Marvel did the inevitable by hiring Ryan Coogler to write and direct Black Panther 2. The superhero film was the highest grossing domestically of the year so far, with very little left to dethrone it. Combine that with the positive reviews and intense love from fans, and Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) was destined to return to the screen. While the movie is all around great, the sequel opens the door for some new opportunities that we hope Marvel and Coogler take advantage of.

It's impossible to guess where Black Panther 2 will pick up after the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 (it could even be set before those), but Black Panther's world is immensely rich, and there's no shortage of material for a sequel. Black Panther introduced audiences to the character and Wakanda, but now its time to dig a little deeper. Here are five things that Black Panther 2 can include.

More GadgetsWakanda has the most advanced technology on the planet, and we got to see a good amount of it in Black Panther, like holograms, mini-EMPs, and flying ships. However, the movie didn't show off very many gadgets for Black Panther. He mostly relied on his kinetic energy blast, which was cool, but you'd think the most technological hero would be packing some variety. In the comics, Black Panther has several gadgets and weapons, such as a pair of energy daggers. From an action perspective, it would be great to see more tools for Black Panther, but it would also help the hero stand out more from the crowd. Apart from his blast, he's just strong and fast, and pretty much everyone in the MCU is strong and fast. Also, I want him to ride around on a motorcycle.

Explore The City Of WakandaWakanda is a fascinating location, and Black Panther did a great introducing the basics of the nation. We learn about all the different tribes, get a look at some of their customs, and its role as an isolated country. For the sequel, it would be great to see more of the nitty gritty of the city. Part of the reason that Asgard was such a boring location is that none of the movies ever showed it as more than a golden palace where people wear robes all day. Wakanda is already visually distinct, but offering more of a street-level view can give it more dimension. It'd be great to see new areas of the city and to understand everyday life for the citizens. What does it actually mean to live in a utopia?

The Effects Of Wakanda's Coming OutBlack Panther was all about the decision for Wakanda to emerge from the shadows and reveal itself as the most powerful nation in the world. A natural place for a sequel is to see the effects of that reveal. T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) decided that it was the right thing to do, but how does the rest of the world react to the news and what sort of dangers have been awoken? There's a lot of meat to this idea, and there are some ways to explore the consequences and benefits. Plus, how do the Wakandans feel about finally being exposed to the world?

A Villain With A Unique PowersetKillmonger (Michael B. Jordan) is a straight up terrific villain, one of the best of the year. However, his one downside is that he reverts to being an evil version of Black Panther by the end of the movie. A lot of MCU villains have that exact problem, but his intensity and pathos save Killmonger. The sequel can avoid that entirely by selecting a villain who doesn't have the same powers as T'Challa. The movie already used up three of Black Panther's best villains, so a sequel will have to think outside of the box when it comes finding a primary antagonist. Killmonger leaves big shoes to fill, but the sequel villain can get off on the right foot with unique powers.

Bigger Roles For Supporting CastOne of the biggest praises for Black Panther is its strong supporting cast that consisted of Okoye, Shuri, and Nakia. For many fans, these characters actually stole the show from Black Panther himself. There's no doubt that characters like Shuri and Okoye manage to leave big impressions (there's a reason they were chosen to be in Avengers: Infinity War), and it's only natural that a sequel boosts their roles. People really enjoyed those characters so give them more of what they want. There's no understating how incredible the character work in this film was. They made me care about Man-Ape, for crying out loud!

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