How Much Of Black Panther's Shuri To Expect In The MCU, According To Kevin Feige


How Much Of Black Panther's Shuri To Expect In The MCU, According To Kevin Feige

Now that Black Panther is just a short distance away from $1 billion at the worldwide box office, it's clear that people love them some Wakanda. The movie has accrued a ton of praise since it first hit theaters last month, and fans seem to particularly love the characters. Killmonger has gone down surprisingly well, while side characters like Okoye and Shuri have been declared Solo movie worthy. It's clear people want to see more of these characters, and Kevin Feige is a man of the people. Here's what the MCU mastermind had to say about Shuri's future in the movies:

I think there's lots of potential. It's a balance between leaving people wanting more and then giving them too much, but I would watch a movie about any of those characters you just named. I think Shuri's astounding, and you'll see much more of her in our universe. Okoye, I think I'd watch three action films just Okoye. I'm not saying we're doing that, but I'm saying that we're intrigued by them. Frankly, as I've said before, finishing these first 22 movies is really all we're thinking about at this point.)

People who loved Black Panther (which might be everyone) won't have to wait long for the citizens of Wakanda to grace the big screen once again. Wakanda will feature as a major set piece in Avengers: Infinity War and not only will T'Challa play a big role, but Okoye and Shuri are lending a hand as well. The two of them are popular enough to get their own magazine covers after one movie, and for good reason. In the case of Shuri, she steals almost every scene she's in with her wit and enthusiasm, played by the charismatic Letitia Wright. A character this lovable has a healthy cinema career in front of her, and Kevin Feige promised that more is to come from Shuri in the future.

Part of the beauty of the MCU is that we've reached the point where any character can appear in another franchise for crossovers. So, can we expect for Shuri to venture outside of Wakanda's borders and visit a different MCU franchise? Kevin Feige sure thinks so. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Keige said that we'll see "much more" of Shuri throughout the MCU. Obviously, Feige isn't going to dish what they've got planned, but rest assured that there is likely more in store for Shuri than Black Panther 2. And with her vast technological prowess, she may be the perfect person to replace Tony Stark if RDJ departs the role after Avengers 4.

We here at CinemaBlend were pretty big fans of Shuri, speculating on her future (fingers-crossed for Spider-Man: Homecoming 2) and believing she can be the next Iron Man. But clearly, Marvel has their own plans so stay tuned for more updates in the future.

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