Tessa Thompson Says Taika Waititi Might Return For Thor 4


Tessa Thompson Says Taika Waititi Might Return For Thor 4

It's currently a very exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The last 21 movies and decades of filmmaking will come to a head when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters in just a few days. While fans are eager to see how the surviving heroes will take the fight to Thanos, Endgame's arrival will also allow Marvel Studios to reveal its plans for the future.

For the first time in many years, the MCU hasn't revealed its next phase of movies yet. This decision was made to ensure the secrets of Avengers: Endgame stay in tact, as the release schedule and titles have the ability to be spoilers. This includes the fate of the Thor franchise, especially since Chris Hemsworth's contract with the studio is up. Tessa Thompson made her Marvel debut as Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok, and recently teased that director Taika Waititi might be back or another sequel, saying:

I heard that a pitch has happened for [another Thor film]. I don't know how real that intel is, but I hear that the pitch has happened. I think the idea is Taika would come back.

Does anyone else have chills? Taika Waititi brought the Thor franchise to new places with Ragnarok, and it was a change that really connected with audiences. As such, the fandom was hoping he might return, and allow Chris Hemsworth's character to have another run in theaters. And those talks might just be happening.

Tessa Thompson's comments to LA Times are sure to excite the many moviegoers who shelled out money to see Thor: Ragnarok in theaters. The Thor franchise hasn't always been a favorite of the MCU, but Taika Waititi changed that with his Marvel debut. The director's signature sense of humor and perspective were put into the threequel, not dissimilar to what James Gunn does with Guardians of the Galaxy. One movie like that isn't enough to satisfy the rabid fanbase, who are hoping a fourth Thor may be in the cards, with the director in tow.

Related: Valkyrie Could Have Looked Very Different In Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok spun the property on its head, and broke all the rule. The Warriors Three were unceremoniously killed off, Thor was given a sister, and all of Asgard was ultimately destroyed. Along the way, the God of Thunder teamed up with Hulk and Loki, and newcomers Korg, Miek, and Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie.

Valkyrie made a strong first showing in Ragnarok, and fans were eager to see more of the alcoholic Asgardian. But while she was on the Asgardian ship at the film's mid-credits scene, she was noticeably absent from the events of Avengers: Infinity War. But Endgame's character posters revealed that she survived the snap, so fans are expecting her to appear in The Russo Brothers upcoming blockbuster.

Thor: Ragnarok bid farewell to a ton of characters from the first two films, allowing Taika Waititi to craft a narrative largely independent of Thor and The Dark World. Jane Foster and her scientist friends weren't seen or mentioned, while Waititi promptly killed off Anthony Hopkins' Odin, as well as the Warriors Three. Well, most of them. Plus, Hela destroyed Mjolnir early in the film's runtime.

From there, he transported the title character far from his home in Asgard, dumping him on the planet of Sakaar. He was forced to craft a new team of allies, chief among them being Valkyrie. Tessa Thompson played the warrior as an LGBT character, who used alcoholism to deal with the guilt and trauma of her past. She ultimately joined the cause to escape Sakaar, and avenge her fallen Asgardian soldiers in the battle against Cate Blanchett's Hela.

Part of why Valkyrie connected so well with audiences is due to the tone that Taika Waititi set in Thor: Ragnarok. From his opening scene with Surtur, it was clear that Thor was going to be cracking jokes, and that the threequel would lean into comedy. Things only got quirkier and more bizarre as the movie went on, and Waititi maintained it all the way through the credits sequences.

Of course, the possibility of a fourth Thor movie may depend on the events of Avengers: Endgame. The stakes for the MCU have never been higher, and the surviving heroes are going to do whatever they can to avenge the fallen. It feels like any one of the OG Avengers could perish during this conflict, especially as the actors reach the end of their contracts with Marvel Studios. Thor has a personal score to settle with Thanos, especially after failing to aim for his head during Infinity War.

During Infinity War, Thor spoke to Rocket about how he had nothing left to lose in this world. This attitude, combined with his belief that fate has his back, might result in the God of Thunder getting in over his head during his rematch with Thanos. Thor's ego has always been one of his fatal flaws, and it's not out of the question to believe it could cost him his life in Phase Three's final installment.

Then again, Thor 4 could end up being a prequel, set sometime before the events of Thor: Ragnarok. But since moviegoers have seen all of his loved ones perish throughout the first three movies, it might be hard to fill out the cast. Personally I'm going to hope that Chris Hemsworth's signature Marvel character lives through Endgame, therefore opening the door for him to collaborate with Taika Waititi.

If any of the Avengers will die during Endgame, the most obvious choices are Captain America and Iron Man. Their conflict broke apart the team, and they usually have the most selfless approach to superheroics. Luckily or the rabid fans, answers will arrive in a matter of days. Because after a long year of waiting. Avengers: Endgame is nearly upon us.

Valkyrie's possible role in Avengers: Endgame will be revealed when the highly anticipated movie finally hits theaters on April 26th. In the meantime, be sure to fill out CinemaBlend's Endgame death pool, and check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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