How Solo's L3-37 Is Different From Other Star Wars Droids


How Solo's L3-37 Is Different From Other Star Wars Droids

After so much waiting and so much teasing, we finally got our first look at Solo: A Star Wars Story with the first trailer's release. Now, after getting a look at the new characters, we're also getting more detail about who they are. This includes information about the droid character known as L3-37. Phoebe Waller-Bridge will voice the droid who will be the robotic sidekick to Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian in the new movie. She'll be a unique droid within the Star Wars universe, as, according to co-writer Jon Kasdan, she's actually constructed of various droid parts combined together. What makes L3-37 even more interesting is the droid herself is the one who did the combining. According to Kasdan...

She's a self-modified droid. The idea is that she's sort of a mutt, if you will, of various parts of different kinds of droids who has improved upon herself.

Upon closer examination of L3-37 in the couple of shots of her in the trailer, we see a bit of what Jon Kasdan is talking about here The head of the droid resembles something that might have come off BB-8, while the chest and shoulders look borrowed from an R2 unit. It seems that the droid has been replacing parts of herself overtime in an attempt to improve. One has to wonder what sort of droid she was to start with, or if we'll see her change significantly over the course of the film.

The fact that L3-37 is a self-improving droid will set her apart from other droids in the Star Wars universe, even ones that we haven't met yet, as Jon Kasdan calls this droid a "complete individual." And then, of course, there's the other way that L3-37 will be different than her on-screen counterparts, the fact that she is, in fact, a she.

She's a complete individual in the galaxy. We wanted to have it be a completely different kind of droid than you've ever seen in the movies. And we definitely wanted it to be a female. We thought it was more than time for that.

While we never hear L3-37 speak in the trailer, we can confirm that the character will have at least one thing in common with other droids in the Star Wars universe, she'll be funny. From C-3PO to K-2SO, droids have always brought humor to the Star Wars universe and based on what we're seeing from Entertainment Weekly, that will be the case here as well. Lawrence Kasdan, the other writer of Solo: A Star Wars Story says that Phoebe Waller-Bridge is "hilarious" in the new movie. We'll find out, for ourselves when the film arrives this May.

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