How Scary The New Halloween Movie Will Be, According To Jamie Lee Curtis


How Scary The New Halloween Movie Will Be, According To Jamie Lee Curtis

One of the horror genre's most beloved franchises will return to the big screen later this year with the release of David Gordon Green's Halloween, and all eyes are on The Shape to recapture the holiday-themed creepiness that made John Carpenter's original so fantastic. There's a lot of anticipation building up to the film, and according to returning star Jamie Lee Curtis: we should be prepared for a terrifying ordeal that honors the first movie's portrayal of Michael Myers. In a recent interview, Curtis explained:

I've seen a trailer and I've seen some footage, and it's terrifying. They went full-tilt boogeyman. And I've never said that in my life, and I will say full-tilt boogeyman for the rest of the year as I go around talking about this.

If you're familiar with the original Halloween, then that promise of a "boogeyman" should get you excited. As Jamie Lee Curtis explained in her recent comments, the film will operate in the same vein as the original by framing Michael Myers as an inhuman embodiment of evil. Unlike later movies in the franchise that attempted to humanize Michael or give him a tragic backstory (particularly by making him the victim of a bizarre cult ritual or a rough family upbringing), this version of the story will apparently lean heavily on the ideas planted by John Carpenter back in 1978.

This tease of a "terrifying" Halloween reboot is even more exciting due to the fact that the marketing for the film has started to heat up. In fact, just yesterday Blumhouse released the first official poster for Halloween, teasing the aged and cracked look of Michael Myers' classic mask. Producer Jason Blum also recently spoke out about how good he feels about the footage that he has seen, so it seems that Halloween insiders are generally very excited about what the film has in store.

Halloween takes place forty years after the events of the original. Seemingly ignoring all of the other sequels (not to mention the other Rob Zombie reboots), the film will find Laurie Strode as she continues to cope with the fallout of Halloween 1978 as Michael Myers returns for one more horrific rampage -- not unlike the events of Halloween: H20 from 1998. Elsewhere in Jamie Lee Curtis' interview with Yahoo Movies, she explained that Halloween would feel like a retelling of the events of the original (with Laurie Strode's granddaughter apparently playing a pivotal role), so fans can look forward to something with a healthy amount of the classic Halloween DNA that has become so utterly iconic over the years.

David Gordon Green's Halloween reboot will debut in theaters later this year on October 19. Mark the horror flick's release date down on your calendar, and make sure to keep a close eye on our 2018 movie premiere guide to keep yourself up-to-date on all of this year's biggest releases.

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