Glenn Close Further Explains Her Take On James Gunn And Twitter


Glenn Close Further Explains Her Take On James Gunn And Twitter

Glenn Close was one of many Guardians of the Galaxy cast members who spoke out following Marvel's firing of James Gunn. At the time, she didn't really voice an opinion about whether or not Gunn should have been fired or whether she thought he should be allowed to direct Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Instead, she focused on the ugly side of social media and the way many people use it to say things they would never say in person. Recently, the actress who played Nova Prime reiterated those comments, but also admits that the situation saddened her and that she felt bad for her former director. According to Close...

I felt sad. I felt sad certainly for James and I felt sad for the whole situation. I felt sad that we're in a society where on social media people say things that they might not say in person. I think that's a real danger. If you're saying something on social media that you can't say to somebody face to face, you should think about what you're saying on social media.

It's certainly true that whether or not people use social media for the anonymity it can provide, it certainly creates a distance between users that can make people comfortable saying things that they might be so comfortable with if they sitting across a table from somebody. Clearly, Glenn Close feels that if you wouldn't say something to somebody in person, you shouldn't say it online.

Having said that, she does admit to The Hollywood Reporter that the situation with James Gunn made her feel sad. While you can read her comments of Gunn as being quite critical of the things he said, they certainly count as comments he likely would not make in front of people, that doesn't mean she doesn't have sympathy for the situation or that she doesn't feel bad for the punishment he has received. Her overall opinion of the director still seems to be a positive one, as she complimented his work and the atmosphere he created on set when they worked together previously.

When I worked with him it was the first time I had been in a movie like that and he was a really good director and he had a great atmosphere on set.

While the fate of James Gunn and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, has been one of the most talked about and debated for the last month, it now at least seems like some final decisions have been made. There was reportedly a recent meeting between Gunn and Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn, about the possibility of bringing Gunn back, but it was ultimately decided not to do so. Now, it appears the only question is whether Gunn's script for the movie will survive, or if the movie will actually happen at all.

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