Once Upon A Time In Hollywood First Look Photos Are A Star-Studded Retro Dream


Once Upon A Time In Hollywood First Look Photos Are A Star-Studded Retro Dream

Quentin Tarantino is back! The prolific director has a new movie coming out this year called Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood (Yes, it apparently needs the ... now). The film has an A-List cast and takes place in the heart of Hollywood during 1969. Details about the movie have slowly made their way to the surface but now we have out biggest information dump yet, courtesy of some awesome photos. Get your fill of the sixties below.

Courtesy of Vanity Fair, we now have out best look yet at Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, and a million other famous people. The movie is set during the 1960s, which was a huge time for cinema and America. Specifically, the movie takes place in 1969 and uses the Charles Manson murders as a backdrop for its story.

These new pictures give some really good looks at what seem to be the three main characters of the film. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as Rick Dalton, a faded Western TV star struggling to transition to movies. Dalton is joined by his stunt double and close friend Cliff Booth, played Brad Pitt. One of the photos appears to show Dalton on the set of his TV show, The Outlaw, as well as in a number of other TV appearances.

Quentin Tarantino is a big cinema and TV nerd, and he always peppers his films with references and homages to old shows and movies. He seems to really be showing off his history cred in Once Upon a Time. One of the photos shows Dalton hosting Hullabaloo, a real music variety show that aired on NBC for one year in 1965. The show featured a revolving line-up of hosts, which seems to be what Dalton is doing.

You can also see Dalton appearing in the TV show The F.B.I., an ABC drama that aired from 1965 to 1974.

Of course, we can't possibly ignore Margot Robbie, who stars as Sharon Tate, the actress who was one of Manson's real-life victims. Tate is the neighbor of Leo DiCaprio's Dalton in the film. You can see Robbie in character as Tate in two photos, one which finds her dancing in her home. (See tweet above). This other set photo finds her strutting down the streets of L.A.:

Another photo shows Al Pacino as Rick Dalton's agent Marvin Shwarz as he's shaking hands with Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth.

These are great teases for a project that already has a good amount of hype. The next step in the marketing would be a trailer so we can all see what this thing actually looks like before it opens in theaters on July 26, 2019. We'll have to sit tight and keep waiting for that, but stick with CinemaBlend and we'll keep you updated on new information as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, check out what else is coming to theaters in our 2019 movie release guide.

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